Pricing ranges wildly in Calgary for various 3M Vehicle Wraps. The first thing to unpack, is what type of 3M Wrap are we talking about? There are three different categories of vehicle wraps available:

  • 1. Paint Protection Film Wraps
  • 2. Colour Change Wraps (Vinyl Wrap)
  • 3. Printed Graphic Wraps

Paint Protection Film Wraps are constructed of transparent thermoplastic urethane. Generally available in standard transparent gloss, or transparent matte/satin. These wraps are not meant to change the colour or appearance of a vehicle, but to protect it from rock chipping, road debris, door dings, swirl marks and scratches. The best versions of these films have self-healing surfaces that can recover from scuffs, scratches and swirl marks for long terms protection. Famous brands like 3M, Xpel, Suntek and STEK have become mainstays in the Calgary scene.

Local prices in Calgary for high end PPF Wraps (Paint Protection Film) can start at $550 for a basic Bumper-Hood-Fender-Mirror package in cheaper, single layer films like 3M 946 PPF or Xpel 9300. Or $750 for the same install in high end, self-healing films like 3M Pro Series PPF, or Xpel Ultimate Plus.

Check out some more prices below:

View all price options for Calgary Vehicle Wraps here

Colour Change Vehicle Wraps, or sometimes called Vinyl Wraps, are not protective films at all. They are not transparent. Rather, they come in a vast assortment of colours and patterns. These wraps are designed to change the appearance of your vehicle. You can change a black vehicle into a white vehicle, carbon fibre, matte blacks, colour flips and more. 3M has over 100 different patterns in their library of vinyl wraps. The downside to colour change vinyl wraps is that they are thinner than paper and do not last very long. In climates like Calgary, these wraps can sometimes expire in less than a year, often looking worn, scuffed, scratched and faded. The only way to protect these wraps for the long term is to literally wrap over top of the in a high end PPF such as 3M Pro Series or Xpel Ultimate Plus. Sadly, vinyl wraps are otherwise a very poor option to consider in Calgary without this protection.

Local Calgary Prices for vinyl wraps and colour change vehicle wraps in Calgary can start as low as $2000.00 for cheaper brands like Avery, Vvivid or Inozetek. This does not include any protective PPF over top. Prices for higher end vinyl wraps like 3M 2080 Colour Wrap film can start at $4000.00. In the most ideal situation where a colour wrap vinyl is installed first, and then a high end PPF installed over top for protection like 3M Pro Series or Xpel Ultimate Plus, prices can exceed $10,000.00. These are the best options, generally designed to last as long as the vehicle itself. A super durable outcome.

Printed Graphic Wraps. Sometimes called company wraps or corporate wraps, are actually printed, custom designed with artwork either created by the customer or with a design team. These wraps are famously seen from brands like Red Bull or Mcdonalds, adorning cars, commercial vans, and even semi truck trailers. These printed wraps are even availble in perforated form for windows.

Local Calgary prices for printed graphic wraps can be as low as $1,500.00 for a partial vehicle on the sides with no laminated surfaces. These are invariably short term and will not last much more than a year. Laminated options are better and start at around $3000.00 in Calgary for the same coverage. A laminated, printed graphic wrap on a commercial van with complete coverage can easily exceed $10,000.00 or even far more for much bigger commercial trucks and trailers.

For a complete list of Calgary prices on vehicle wraps, vinyl wraps, 3M wraps and more, visit the shop page by clicking the button below.